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Bringing Digital Experiences to the Physical World

collaborative space

Physical workspaces—once defined by static layouts, fixed equipment, and limited adaptability—are undergoing a transformative shift. As remote work becomes more integrated, the concept of the workplace is expanding beyond physical office walls to embrace online modes, creating seamless digital experiences within hybrid environments.

This shift toward inclusivity and flexibility necessitates a reimagining of traditional workflows and communication channels. Leading this paradigm shift is Q-SYS, a division of QSC, a provider of advanced audio, video, and control systems. The company is leading the concept of “high-impact spaces,” engineered not just for their physical attributes but for their potential to enhance collaboration and productivity.

Christopher Jaynes, Senior Vice President of Software Technologies at Q-SYS, explains: “It’s all focused on the outcome of the space. Previously, we talked about spaces in terms of their physical dimensions—like a huddle room or a conference room. Today, what’s more significant is the intended impact of these collaborative spaces. High-impact spaces are designed with this goal in mind, aiming to transform how we interact and collaborate in our work environments.” (Video 1)

Video 1. Christopher Jaynes from Q-SYS explains the importance of high-impact spaces in collaborative and hybrid environments. (Source:

Redefining Hybrid Environments

Q-SYS has developed a sophisticated suite of technologies, including the Q-SYS VisionSuite, to create high-impact spaces that transform meeting rooms and collaborative spaces. This suite incorporates sophisticated tools like template-based configurations, biometrics, and kinesthetic sensors to significantly improve user interaction and engagement within these spaces.

Leveraging the power of AI computer vision technology, the Q-SYS VisionSuite equips these high-impact spaces with advanced control systems capable of anticipating and adapting to the needs of participants. This adaptive technology provides personalized updates and interactions, tailored to the dynamics of each meeting.

“AI in these spaces includes computer vision, real-time audio processing, sophisticated control and actuation systems, and even kinematics and robotics,” says Jaynes.

Historically, such advanced interactions were deemed too complex and prohibitively expensive within the AV industry. Outfitting a space with these technologies could ratchet expenses up by as much as $500,000. Today, AI has upended the cost calculations. “With AI control systems and generative models, we have democratized these capabilities, significantly reducing costs and making sophisticated hybrid meeting environments accessible to a broader range of users,” says Jaynes.

Technology Powering Collaborative Spaces

Audio AI plays a starring role in high-impact, collaborative spaces. AI can not only identify speakers and automatically transcribe their dialogues but also adjust the room’s acoustics depending on the type of meeting.

A standout feature of Q-SYS is its multi-zone audio capability. This ensures that clear, crisp sound reaches every participant, regardless of whether they are in a physical or hybrid environment.

The system can also enhance the meeting’s dynamics to ensure that when a remote attendee speaks from a particular direction, the sound emanates from that same location within the room. This directional audio feature creates an immersive experience, mirroring the natural flow of a face-to-face meeting and focusing attention on the speaker.

“Today, what’s more significant is the intended impact of these collaborative spaces. High-impact spaces are designed with this goal in mind.” @QSYS_AVC via @insightdottech

Additionally, as the name implies, the VisionSuite leverages advanced computer vision. Here, it offers a multi-camera director experience, which automatically controls cameras and other sensory inputs to enrich the collaborative environment. This ensures that video distribution is handled intelligently, maintaining engagement by smoothly transitioning focus between speakers and presentations.

In the meeting space, equipped with multiple cameras, the system uses proximity sensors to detect when a participant unmutes to speak. The cameras then automatically focus on the active speaker to enhance the clarity and impact of their contribution.

The system also extends out to intuitive visual cues as well. For instance, ambient room lights turn red when microphones are muted and switch to green when the microphones are active.

For added security and privacy, the cameras automatically turn away from the participants and face the walls whenever video is turned off. This ensures that privacy is maintained, reinforcing security without manual intervention.

Another element is room automation, which significantly enhances the functionality and adaptability of workspaces. AI systems can intelligently adjust lighting and temperature settings, allowing these spaces to effortlessly transform to accommodate everything from intimate brainstorming sessions to extensive presentations.

Room automation AI can even help workers manage busy schedules. “Imagine you were running late to a meeting,” suggests Jaynes. “The AI, already aware of your delay, would greet you at the door, inform you that the meeting has been in session for 10 minutes, and direct you to available seating. To further enhance your integration into the meeting, it would automatically send an email summary of what has occurred prior to your arrival, enabling you to quickly engage and contribute effectively.”

Standardized Hardware Drives Digital Experiences

To make all this possible, Q-SYS leverages the robust capabilities of Intel® processors. “Q-SYS is built on the power of Intel processing, which allows us to build flexible AV systems and leverage advanced AI algorithms,” explains Jaynes.

This strategic use of Intel processors circumvents the constraints of the specialized hardware associated with traditional AV equipment. The Q-SYS approach is heavily software-driven, allowing standardized hardware to flexibly adapt to a variety of functions—providing a longer hardware lifecycle.

“It’s exciting for us, for sure; it’s a great partnership. We align our roadmaps to ensure that we can deliver the right software updates on these platforms efficiently,” Jaynes adds.

As we move toward a future where collaborative spaces and hybrid environments are increasingly defined by their adaptability and responsiveness, Jaynes believes AI is poised to reshape the way we interact and communicate in professional settings. With solutions like Q-SYS, these interactions will be more inclusive, engaging, and effective—and, quite possibly, enjoyable.


This article was edited by Christina Cardoza, Editorial Director for

About the Author

Brandon is a long-time contributor to going back to its days as Embedded Innovator, with more than a decade of high-tech journalism and media experience in previous roles as Editor-in-Chief of electronics engineering publication Embedded Computing Design, co-host of the Embedded Insiders podcast, and co-chair of live and virtual events such as Industrial IoT University at Sensors Expo and the IoT Device Security Conference. Brandon currently serves as marketing officer for electronic hardware standards organization, PICMG, where he helps evangelize the use of open standards-based technology. Brandon’s coverage focuses on artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity, embedded processors, edge computing, prototyping kits, and safety-critical systems, but extends to any topic of interest to the electronic design community. Drop him a line at, DM him on Twitter @techielew, or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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