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Smart Cities – What’s in It for Citizens?

Juniper Research and Intel recently conducted a study that addresses an often-overlooked aspect of smart cities: What’s in it for citizens?

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Juniper Research and Intel recently conducted a study that addresses an often-overlooked aspect of smart cities: What’s in it for citizens? The study centered around citizens’ only non-renewable resource—time—and highlighted how smart city initiatives around mobility, healthcare, public safety, and productivity help save it in 20 leading municipalities. Both current and prospective smart city operators should take note of the findings.

The findings of this smart city study will reveal:

  • How smart mobility, healthcare, public safety, and productivity solutions can save time and improve quality of life for smart city residents
  • An evaluation of 20 leading smart city implementations in terms of their current progress and future potential
  • Case studies of four leading smart cities and how they improved mobility, healthcare, public safety, and productivity for their citizens